Monday, March 19, 2012

12 week picture plus ultrasound

2nd Trimester, baby!


How far along? 12 Weeks, 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 4 lbs (from 111 to 115)
How big is baby? about the size of a plum (2.5 inches)
Maternity clothes? The whole wardrobe has been purchased! See "Best moment this week." Wearing maternity shirt and pants in this picture.
Stretch marks? No
Symptoms: headaches- I had a lot of headaches a few weeks ago but they mostly went away. I've had one following me all day today though!
Sleep: Sleeping well at night other than my nightly potty trips, stupid newly-dysfunctional bladder
Best moment this week: My mom and I took a road trip to Waco to go see my Aunts and cousins. It was so wonderful getting to see everybody, I haven't seen them in years. My aunts and mom blessed me (aka, spoiled the hell out of me) with a complete wardrobe from Motherhood Maternity when we took a shopping trip there for me to try on a bunch of outfits. I'm set for the rest of the pregnancy!
Miss Anything? Sushi
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings/aversions: Craving watermelon, aversions to grilled fish
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing at the moment
Have you started to show yet: To those that know me, yes. Michael kept staring at my tummy last night, with a big smile saying "That's our baby in there!" Looking at my bloated bump. :)
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both, depends on the day. Mostly happy, but somewhat emotional 
Weekly Wisdom: Make sure to EAT shortly after you wake up when pregnant. I learned my lesson on Sunday morning. I woke up at 8 with a growling tummy but didn't eat anything and went back to sleep for a bit. At 10 I started cooking french toast and eggs for my aunt, mom, and cousin. A little after 11, I was finishing cooking my eggs, and started feeling like I was going to pass out and vomit. I asked my mom if she could finish the eggs for me because I needed to sit down. They told me my face turned red, then quickly lost all its color and my lips turned white. I started shaking then felt very hot and started sweating. I started eating french toast as soon as I could, and started feeling better. My blood sugar got too low too fast. My baby was mad at me for not feeding it soon enough, and sure did let me know about that! 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and feeling the baby move!

Date of ultrasound: March 19th, 2012

Gestational age: 12 weeks, 4 days

Crown to rump measurement: 6.32 cm

Gestational age based on measurement: 12 weeks, 5 days

Due date: September 27th, 2012

Heart Rate: 153 bpm

Gender: TBD

Who was there: Michael and me. 

Movement: Our baby was moving all around, such a squirmer!

Highlight of the ultrasound: Getting to see how big he or she has gotten. It looks very much like a baby now. Cute little arms and legs, and look at those LIPS! One pretty awesome little baby! Also, I measured the baby (crown to rump) in the ultrasound picture, and it happens to be exactly the size (6.32 cm) that the baby actually is, meaning the picture I have is actually to scale! I held it against my tummy to try to wrap my mind around it. Pretty crazy!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Update on quilt for baby

Finished with the border!
Now for the batting, backing, quilting, and binding!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

11 weeks

March 8th, the first day I felt like I finally had a bump to show off!
How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2.4 lbs (from 111 to 113.4)
How big is baby? The size of a lime. Fingers and toes no longer webbed. Nail beds, tooth buds, and hair follicles are forming.
Maternity clothes? bought a few things but not wearing any yet
Stretch marks? No
Symptoms: a tighter, swollen feeling tummy, morning sickness has subsided, and the headaches that I had for several weeks have also stopped. Feeling great now!
Sleep: In the late afternoon I get pretty tired, and waking up several times in the night. Starting to get a little uncomfortable at night already.
Best moment this week: Noticing a bump that I am proud to sport! Would have also been that our crib that Michael's grandmother got us came in, but it was scratched up thanks to UPS so we will have to return and wait.
Also, Sarah coming to visit! She's my life long friend and came for a weekend getaway. She bought the baby a K'Tan baby carrier, and a case of diapers. We are so blessed!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! The day I found out, on January 22nd-  4 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I can't keep a secret that big! Even if you are supposed to wait until the second trimester...
Miss Anything? Margaritas, Coffee, and Sushi!!! Would love to have a few of each right now. 
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings/aversions: Junk food, hot dogs, fruit- plums, peaches and cinnamon rolls. (Cinnamon rolls are a fruit, right??)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing at the moment
Have you started to show yet: A little bump so far - basically looks like I ate a few too many cupcakes, which is typically the case
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Weekly Wisdom: Get a massage! I got a back, neck, and shoulders massage this week with my sister-in-law. It was so relaxing and helped alleviate some of the tension in my muscles. 
Looking forward to: Getting a bigger bump & finding out the gender! :) Also very excited about feeling movement for the first time, and many months from now when the baby will have hiccups in my tummy. OH and also super excited for my next ultrasound on March 19th! Can't wait to see how my little lime is doing! Or at that point, rather- my little plum!

Mommy's first gift to baby

I decided I really wanted to make my baby something for it to have and pass down, perhaps!
I'm working on this quilt, kind of gender- neutral.... okay more towards a girl, but I'm going to use it for a girl or boy!
I started working on it at 10 weeks and 4 days, March 5th.

10 weeks

Ran a 5K with Michael for 2nd Annual Stroll, Roll, and Run for ALS
10 weeks and 3 days pregnant
(Both pictures taken 3/4/12)

8-9 weeks picture plus ultrasound

Picture taken: 8 weeks and 3 days
February 19th, 2012

Date of ultrasound: February 22nd, 2012

Gestational age: 8 weeks, 6 days

Crown to rump measurement: 1.97 cm

Gestational age based on measurement: 8 weeks 4 days

Due date: September 27th, 2012

Heart Rate: 179 bpm- FAST! It's a little high based on what I'm reading online for average heart rates at that age, but the ultrasound technician said that it was healthy, and online advice is reassuring, stating that if the baby was moving then it's heart rate will go up, so I'm not worried!

Gender: won't know until around Mother's Day. Talk about the best Mother's Day gift ever!

Who was there: Michael and me. I'm so thankful to have a husband that wanted to be a part of that. I know he wants to be a part of all of the ultrasounds with me, so I feel pretty great about that! I love having an involved husband for something this important.

Movement: we did see a couple of squirms! Our little peanut did what looked similar to a full body stretch. It was absolutely adorable and breathtaking to see it move!

Highlight of the ultrasound: Watching our baby move and of course, the heartbeat, both really solidified the reality that there is LIFE growing inside me. Also, seeing images where it really looked human. This picture doesn't do it justice at all, there were shots where our peanut had arms and legs and a head, which this picture doesn't reflect at all. I'm very happy that we got the DVD though, because the moment of movement as well as angles of the ultrasound where it looked more human than blob are priceless! I've already watched it at least 5 times, and can't help but get a huge smile painted on my face each time. 

4 1/2 weeks- My very first belly pic also known as my very last ab pic

SURPRISE!.... Or more like, "told ya so"?

The Journey Begins....

So the journey began in 2011. My husband Michael and I decided that in August, when he finished paramedic school and officially obtained his paramedic license, then we would start trying for our first little Linchkin. As much as we treat our darling dachshunds like they are the babies we didn't have yet, the center of our universe, we thought that it might be nice to welcome real children into our/their lives. 

August came around and we went for it!
          To add to the excitement, around September my coworkers and I decided it would be a fun idea to start a weight loss competition. Towards the last few weeks of the competition (December), I really went for that medal too! I came in second, losing about 12 pounds. After that, I decided since I was on a roll, I would just finish my goal and lose the rest of the weight I’d been “meaning to lose” for years. I worked out every day, ate right, and lost a total of about 18 pounds.
So there I was, ready for the beach in January, excited to get to buy a new bikini for my newly toned body. Of course, we were still trying for a baby, but at this point 5 months had passed since we started trying, so I was already having thoughts that it would take some time, or that maybe something was wrong with one of us and that we might not even be able to have children.

January 10th, 2012
Well, while I was at work, I made a phone call to one of our loan structure consultants for a question on a loan, and she made a very random comment to me. At the end of our conversation, she asked me, “now, you are carrying another little person on you, aren’t you?”
Me: “No…??”
Vicki: “Are you sure about that?”
Me: “umm yes, why would you say that? …. Vicki…. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of somebody else?”
Vicki: “No, I’m sure. I just had a feeling that you were. Sometimes I get feelings about these kinds of things.”
She then proceeds to tell me about how she knew that her daughter, her friend, and other people were pregnant before they knew. Oh, and also, the sex of those babies.
Me: “Omg, now you have me excited!”
Vicki: “Well, if I were you I would go pee on a stick!”
Me: “If I am, it would be way too soon to tell, but I have no patience so I’m going to take one when I get home!”

Of course, I took one that afternoon, knowing that I could either be 9 or 5 days pregnant at this point, if at all, and that no test would be accurate enough to know that at this stage in the game.

Results: Negative

Reality: 5 days pregnant

So I continued to exercise and eat right, losing weight steadily.
Then I noticed my breasts starting to get sore. I asked my sister-in-law if hers were as well. We had started Insanity a couple weeks earlier so I thought maybe it was the workouts that were working my chest muscles and making them sore. She responded in a certain “No!”
I also started noticing that despite my healthy eating, my stomach was looking slightly bloated versus a few days before. This was all during the week of January 15th.
So from this point on, I had decided that after what Vicki told me, I would take my next pregnancy test on January 27th.
Well impatient me, on the night of Saturday, January 21st,  I was cleaning the house and started feeling slightly funny. I made the decision to go ahead and take the test again the next morning.

Sunday, January 22nd
The Big Day

Well, for some reason I wasn’t able to sleep well at all this night. I felt like a kid the night before Christmas, I was so excited about the pregnancy test that I kept waking up thinking “wow, how long is morning going to take!?”
Which is slightly odd, I’ve taken many tests before and never had this problem sleeping the night before I was planning on taking one.
So I finally accepted that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep anymore at 5 a.m.
I woke up and unwrapped the test.
A minute later I glanced at the all-knowing urine stick.

Results: TWO lines! A very positively-emphatically-bright-pink pregnant line, alongside the “this test works” line.

I started shaking, jumping up and down, and saying over and over “oh my God, oh my God, no way, oh my God!”
Then I realized, it’s 5:00 in the morning. Who am I going to tell?? What was I thinking? Everyone is asleep and I have this life changing news and hours to kill before being able to share it.
But then I remembered my sister-in-law, Crystal was awake! Getting the family ready for my niece Cailyn’s cheer competition in San Antonio that day. I texted her at 5:30 asking when they were leaving, she said 6:15. I still had time!
I raced over to her house and called her when I got there asking if everyone was decent because I was here.
So I walked in, and her first response was “what’s wrong?”
Me: “I’m pregnant!”
Crystal’s reaction was priceless. She kept saying “You are?! You are?!” With the biggest smile I’ve ever seen plastered across her face. So we were emphatically jumping up and down, trying to be as quiet as we could, given the news.

Telling daddy-to-be:

So when I went back home, I decided the way I would tell Michael would be to wake him with breakfast in bed. I made him homemade whole wheat waffles, then at about 7:30 woke him with his plate.
So I anxiously awaited while he finished his waffle, of which he said was so delicious that he wanted another.
Okay, I can do this!
So I gave him another and waited until he finished his last bite. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but I waited a few minutes then told him “I’m pregnant.”
He didn’t believe me, so I had to go show him the proof. He was so excited too!
But he wanted me to take a second test to be certain, so we picked one up on the way to deliver the exciting news to my parents.

Telling my parents:

This was one announcement that I had been thinking about for months. I wanted to be creative about it. So after I told Michael, I went to Walmart (the only place open that early on a Sunday morning), to look for grandparent memorabilia. I found a cute Grandkids frame for my dad, and Grandma mug and necklace for my mom. I put them in a Valentine bag that said “happy day.”
After Michael and I got ready, we headed over to their house to tell them the big news.
So I told them I got them early Valentine’s Day presents and made them open them at the same time.

Dad’s reaction: “Are you serious!?!”
Mom’s: Speechless at first, a gasp, then instant tears of joy! And hugs. :)
David’s: called his fiancĂ© Whitney to share the news that she was going to be an Aunt in September.
Jerome: reserved - but we think he was still pretty happy!

I took the second test at my parents house. Here are those results!

We decided to go to church with my family that day since my dad was preaching. We asked the family to refrain from posting the news on Facebook until I had a chance to tell my friends.

So my in dad’s abundant excitement, he proceeded to tell the church about the big news in his life… here’s about how it went:

“Now I just want you all to know I can keep a secret. Yes, I really can. In fact, just this morning, my daughter shared some news with me that she asked me not to tell anyone, and I’m going to honor that and not tell you what she told me. No, I’m not even going to give you a little tiny baby baby baby hint. Not even one like, it starts with G and ends with A and rhymes with Grandpa.
Well, that was fun, everyone loved the way he announced it, lots of laughter and everyone congratulated us. My silly father! I love my family. Crazy, but fun.
We all went to Red Lobster after church to celebrate.
Love the expression on my dad's face here. He's absolutely giddy with excitement!

My family of 6, that will be 7 in June with the beautiful Ms. Whitney Brown, (back to back with David), that will be 8 in September! Our family is growing like a weed this year!