Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

William Michael Linch 

Rebecca Michelle Faskas 
7 pounds 4.5 ounces

38 weeks

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  151- 40 pounds! OOPS.
How big is baby? 7ish pounds
Maternity clothes? oooohhh yes
Stretch marks? sadly, I didn't escape the pregnancy gods of this unfortunate mark of honor
Symptoms: RLS and heartburn, slightly high blood pressure.
Sleep: HORRIBLE. I've been having a horrible time going to sleep at night, then have been waking up at about 3 and have not been able to go back to sleep until about 7 AM!
Best moment this week: getting to see my maternity pictures! They turned out so cute, if I don't say so myself. Also, knowing that this is the LAST week! We plan to induce on the 21st, so the countdown is on!
Miss Anything? stomach sleeping, I would be able to get to sleep so much faster if I could get back to that!
Movement: Yes, still a squirmy little guy
Anything making you queasy or sick: no, but I have felt nauseous a couple of times these past couple weeks.
Have you started to show yet: I look like I swallowed a basketball.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks
Belly Button in or out? slightly out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy but tired
Weekly Wisdom: TBD
Looking forward to: next week! D- day is next Friday, if we are lucky!

Highlights of the pregnancy: Some of the best things I've heard along the way:
From the ladies at Destination Maternity when shopping for maternity clothes at 36 weeks: "I keep expecting you to pull a basketball out from under your shirt and say "Just kidding!"
"You don't look pregnant from the back!"
Michael and I were walking through the mall in LA and a guy working at a smokeless cigarette kiosk had his head down then when we passed by, looked up and before thinking asked us "Excuse me, do you smoke?"   "Yes, could I bum one off you?"- at 35 weeks pregnant.
From someone at a furniture store: "You are having a girl, right?" Me: "No, boy." Her: "No you're not! It's a girl! That thing is going to fall off!"
"Did you swallow a watermelon seed?" from a customer at work

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

36 weeks 2 days 
Maternity Pics!

How far along? 36 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss:  150 pounds- up 39 pounds
How big is baby? around 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Yes :(
Symptoms: I actually had an episode this week! Michael and I went to LA Sunday for a training class he had to go to, I tagged along. While he was in class on Monday I went to the mall to get some good shopping in. Around 12:30 I decided to get some lunch and while waiting on the Quiznos employee to wait on the guy behind me before getting my vitamin water in their display case, I started getting weak, shaky, and flush. I dropped down on the ledge they had in front of the drink display. The employees called an ambulance and they came out to check me out. Everything was okay, blood sugar a little low but other than that and making a big scene, I was okay!
Sleep: uncomfortable, even with my body pillows trying to help me out.
Best moment this week:  The maternity photo session was so much fun. Michael and I made a trip to Leander to take pictures at imagecletic photography.
Miss Anything? tummy sleeping
Movement: all the time!
Food cravings/aversions: ice & Snow cones
Anything making you queasy or sick: 
Have you started to show yet: yep!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No 
Belly Button in or out? a little out
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Weekly Wisdom: 
Looking forward to: Meeting my son!

35 weeks 2 days 
Baby shower #2 
My wonderful friends blessed me with a beautiful couples baby shower. I am so spoiled. We really had a blast. Here's the proof:

The guys played a game of hit the orange with an orange in panty hose tied around your waist and see who could send it the furthest. They were hilarious.